Artwork by Tenderloin Television. Photo by Luna Park.
Tenderloin Television (aka Benjamin Clarke) gets to the heart of it this week with his poster declaring "What you practice grows stronger." Surround yourself with negativity, and you'll probably be a pretty negative person. Surround yourself with messages about buying more stuff, and you'll probably buy more stuff. Buy more stuff, and you'll probably continue to buy more stuff. Or, surround yourself with positive messages and practice positive behaviors, and it'll be easier to continue down the path of positivity. So why do we fill our public spaces with empty messages, encouraging us to be empty people? Let's practice something different.
Tenderloin Television tells us, "I'm participating because advertising undermines our sense of human purpose. Preying on physical desires at the expense of public welfare, in pursuit of financial gain. It's fear based consumer culture with an absence of a deeper meaning of life. As a firm believer of PMA, I wanted to show an alternative to capitalist plastic identity by leaving the viewer with an authentic feeling. An encouraging catalyst for introspection, reflection and inspiration...peace of mind."
That sounds better.
Artwork by Tenderloin Television. Photo by Luna Park.