Blue Lady by Parker Day. Photo by Luna Park.
For our 30th ad takeover in this series, we have Parker Day, the LA-based photographer whose ICONS series really caught our eye for its mix of beauty with the absurd. The ICONS photos are about identity, and how we shape our identities, but how much control do we really have and how much is determined by the images and ideas fed to us by advertising?
Parker says, "Ads tell you what to think; art inspires you to think for yourself. Art in Ad Places is helping shift the paradigm of imagery in the public space. I hope my work Blue Lady surprises and delights people who wouldn't otherwise find my work."
Maybe take a moment this week to consider when you actually think versus when you just go along with decisions that have been pushed on you (often by advertising). If that ratio seems a bit out of whack, we suggest filling your life with more art, and (as much as possible) fewer ads.
Blue Lady by Parker Day. Photo by Luna Park.