Artwork by Grace Miceli. Photo by Luna Park.
It's sort of surprising to us that while we've done over 30 ad takeovers this year, Grace Miceli's poster is our first example of traditional détournement, often a staple of ad takeovers. You'd just think we would have included more of them. And, admittedly, there's at least one more coming up, but two still seems light. Hopefully, that means we've been successful in putting together a varied line up of artists, with even more varied fan bases, for whom ad takeovers are not an everyday thought.
Miceli says, "This piece is about all of the things that make my brain feel good when I see them. I’m interested in co-opting the imagery of products we consume and using them to connect with you."
That kindness and desire for connection is missing in so much traditional détournement. It's inspiring to see Miceli use this protest tool for parody and human connection rather than parody and rage (as important as rage can be). We hope you'll find this piece, appreciate that life can sometimes be bleak, and smile because at least we all know it.
Artwork by Grace Miceli. Photo by Luna Park.