Find Yourself by Jeremyville. Photo by Luna Park.
There's a place, and it's just a fantasy but it's one work striving for, where everything is okay and we're all good to one another. It's the world of Jeremyville's illustrations. It was interesting to install one of Jeremyville's iconic Community Service Announcements on the street, because they belong to that other world. But that's so much of what Art in Ad Places is about: Changing public space to temporarily create a different reality. So it's weird to experience, but it's also a perfect fit for Art in Ad Places.
Jeremyville told us:
"The Jeremyville CSA project comprises of about 1,200 Community Service Announcements that I have created over the years, and I draw new ones almost every day, and add them to social media @Jeremyville. They've spread organically, using design methodology cues taken from billboards to get a message across quickly: A simple, arresting image, and some short copy.
"So the advertising billboard is the perfect forum to share a CSA message, as rather than selling hairspray or soap, we can use these mediums to remind us about personal growth, empowerment and social change. Art in Ad Places really aligns with the CSA concept perfectly.
"Find Yourself is a play on telephone pole posters announcing a missing dog or cat. In this case, Jethro Bunny tears off a piece of his own missing poster, essentially for us, so that we can take one footstep along the path of that journey of self discovery."
What will you discover when you find yourself in public space, rather than unattainable ideals of consumer culture?